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I talk with others and those who work with them - my story can berepeated across the country - family after family are treated in themost abhorant way when proper methods and practices are available andwidely known. The reality of sexual abuse and its impacts are widelyknown and understood yet Bishops who as I said receive daily requests tochange this practice do nothing, priests and others who speak out aresilenced because many people seem to believe they must support theirbishops and pray that they will find a solutions - none is forthcoming -it is not even on the agenda after years of pleas and asking. Familiesrisk the sexual safety of their children whilst this matter remains asit is. The very credibility of the Catholic Church is called intoquestion by the refusal of these men to act in a proper and humane way.
I have substantial documentation of my own case over those 5 years andcan clearly show that the systems setup do not provide adequate orsuitable assistance. Charity organisations regularly plead with theirbishops to do something. The Bishops respond by controlling more andmore the processes victims have to deal with. In Melbourne alonebi-weekly meetings are held to pay off victims who have reached the endand feel they must capitulate before it destroys them completely. Thereis no co-ordinated approach to medical and psychological needs - eachvictim is managed and treated independently - each feels that he alonewas treated in the way they have been - that is not the case, hundredshave found themselves faced with the same results, many complainbitterly as their lifes work crumbles under the strain. There arethousands of people who have been effected by this not just here inAustralia but across the globe there are tens of thousands, perhapshundreds of thousands of people who were once children who were abusedby priests and until those abused are treated in a proper way there canbe no healing for the Catholic and other Churches or for the victims.
Everyone is a loser, I see Catholics despised and held to ridicule bypeople from all walks of life, from other religions, from politiciansfrom Charity groups and support workers across the country and yet theBishops refuse to heed common sense.
Where do the people go, the people affected by this when the reputationof individuals is tarnished by the actions of some of their priests andbishops, victims and their families are destroyed is there any wonderpeople are angry about this?There are many who work on a daily basis to try to bring reason to this situation, they are often ostracised and ignored.
It has been an honor and a privilege to provide more than 20 years of availability to those who seek further
information on the reality of the global clergy abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic and other religions.
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A lack of denial is a terrifying thing to encounter by those still immersed in hiding from their own failings.
trauma informed human rights justice failed institutions UN Convention on Human Rights Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia future evidence resilience not providing or representing a secular Australia autodidact
Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.
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