>Subject: Scan Data from FX-1BEDA8
Roy Wakelin-King
Chief Executive Officer
World Youth Day Co-Ordination Authority
Level 16
201 Elizabeth Street
Your reference: eA1307729
It appears that your department has been well silenced in regards the sexual abuse of children by pedarist priests and also on the topics of justice for victims of abuses perpetrated by pedarist priests, together with other issues such as basic human rights, the rights of the child and the rights of victims in NSW.
If that is the case then I am pleased that my inquiry has taken some of your time and hope that you are inundated with so many outcrys that the entire time of your department gets taken up with the process of avoiding or defending such an indefensible response.
Please forward my wish for a pox to descend upon the Premier of NSW for the obvious off-handed and cavalier approach to a situation which concerns every parent - the sexual safety of their children.
With absolute disgust,
John Brown
Please see
attached for your info.
Chris Bastic
General Manager Stakeholder Relations
World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority
Level 16, 201 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phn: 92013334
Fx: 92013301
Website: ( )
Thankyou Chris for your response, however the attachment appears to be incomplete. Can you send the complete document.
John Brown
My apologies
attachedChris Bastic
General Manager Stakeholder Relations
World Youth Day Co-ordination Authority
Level 16, 201 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phn: 92013334
Fx: 92013301
Website: ( )
Email to NSW politicians
Papal Visit - Australia :: To The Parliament and the People of NSW re:Papal visit to World Youth Day
Does the NSW Government through its provision of road signs, multi-million dollar funding and other services to the Papal Visit and World Youth Day enable the largest single identified group of pedophiles and sexual abusers on the planet? Is it in breach of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? Is it in breach of The NSW Charter of Victims Rights?
Many feel that the supply of millions of tax payers dollars to support a religious group which on a global scale has been shown to be responsible for the sexual abuse of tens of thousands of children is not only in breach of the above but also in breach of many items in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Why should a religion be provided with millions of tax payer dollars when no formal plan has been put forward by that religion to ensure the safety of children from the pedarists and sexual abusers in their midst?
What are the stated positions of the NSW Government on the issues of clergy sexual abuse and the treatment of victims of clergy abuse by religions?
Will the NSW Government publicly address the issue of identification and reporting of sexually abusive priests in NSW with the Pope on his upcoming visit?
Will the NSW Government take the opportunity of the papal visit to seek the release of all documentation held by the Vatican pertaining to Australian victims of clergy sexual abuse?
The Charter of Victims Rights
States as its first premise that a victim "should be treated with courtesy, compassion, cultural sensitivity and respect for the victim's rights and dignity".
1. Courtesy, compassion and respect
A victim should be treated with courtesy, compassion, cultural sensitivity and respect for the victim's rights and dignity.
The Australian Government (and subsequently the NSW Government) is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and as such has a responsibility under Article 19 of the Convention which states:
1. States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.
2. Such protective measures should, as appropriate, include effective procedures for the establishment of social programmes to provide necessary support for the child and for those who have the care of the child, as well as for other forms of prevention and for identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment and follow-up of instances of child maltreatment described heretofore, and, as appropriate, for judicial involvement.
Australia is recognised globally as being one of the hardest hit countries for clergy sexual abuse.
Figures for Australia are not publicly available. Substantiated figures are emerging in the United States, Canada and Ireland with a lesser range of figures coming from more than 70 other countries.
Canada Sunday, 1 June 2008
A truth and reconciliation commission examining what native leaders call one of the most tragic and racist chapters in Canada's history has begun... The state-funded religious schools were often the scenes of horrific physical and sexual abuse ... The federal government admitted 10 years ago that physical and sexual abuse in the once-mandatory schools was rampant ... Suicide rates are three times higher than the national average, and teenage pregnancies are nine times higher ... BBC Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Thirty-two cases alleging clergy abuse have been filed against the diocese since 2002. Ten have been settled or resolved; 22 are pending ...
USA Tuesday, 3 June 2008
The Vatican passed down its most severe penalty -- laicization -- to George Beaudet, 69, and Michael Plourde, 57, stripping them of their authority to minister and cutting their ties to church ... the diocese announced it had removed six priests from the ministry since accusations surfaced. Diocese officials decided to disclose the names because of "how long it was taking for cases to be resolved and the possible risk of re-offense in the cases of those who had not previously been publicly identified," ... Tuesday, 3 June 2008 LONDON
Margaret Kennedy, chair of Minister and Clergy Sex Abuse Survivors, an organisation that helps survivors of sex abuse by clergy, said: "It is with horror and shock that survivors sexually abused as children or as adults within Christian churches and by Christian clergy and ministers should hear their own bishop declare that perhaps buying oranges from South Africa is the equivalent to being locked into a dungeon and being raped repeatedly for 20 years by an evil father. "In many respects it does not surprise us since all calls to Anglican bishops to recognise the sexual abuse, exploitation and rape of adult women by their clergy are consistently ignored.
more than 100 people who were sexually abused by members of the clergy... and 144 victims of priest abuse ... "This settlement recognises the enormous courage of the survivors and all parties hope that this settlement will bring some relief for the pain that the survivors have endured for so long," 2006
The Catholic Church in Australia is believed to own assets worth more than $100 billion. It is the largest property owner in Australia ... If it were a corporation, it would be one of the biggest and fastest-growing in the country, accounting for more than $23 billion in revenue in 2005 ... And earlier this year, the Federal and NSW governments announced they would each contribute $20 million to the Catholic Church for the 2008 World Youth Day in Sydney, to be attended by the Pope. DUBLIN March 8
The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, rocked for a decade by sex scandals, on Wednesday made its biggest admission yet: 102 of its Dublin priests past and present, or 3.6 percent of the total, are suspected of abusing children ... a probe into how church and state authorities conspired, by negligence and design, to cover up decades of child abuse ...
members of various religious orders including the Christian Brothers, the Sisters of Mercy, the Good Shepherds and many others, took advantage of their position of power to sexually abuse the young people in their care ... The aforementioned revelations were dwarfed by emerging revelations regarding widespread sexual abuse of children in the care of Ireland's Catholic clergy. BOSTON - IRELAND
So far, the compensation board has received more than 1,900 applications, nearly all from Ireland ... CITY 28/10/2006
denounced what he called "filth" in the Church "even among those ... in the priesthood." ... Benedict told the bishops that as they continue to deal with the problem, "it is important to establish the truth of what happened in the past, to take whatever steps are necessary to prevent it from occurring again, to ensure that the principles of justice are fully respected and, above all, to bring healing to the victims and to all those affected by these egregious crimes."
"The priest is meant to be a direct representative of God, so the child feels like they are being abused by God. They think 'How bad must I be if even God is abusing me?"'
The report says church officials killed children by beating, poisoning, electric shock, starvation, prolonged exposure to sub-zero cold while naked, and medical experimentation, including the removal of organs and radiation exposure ... CANADA
children experienced a devastating litany of abuses, from forced assimilation and grueling labor to widespread sexual and physical abuse... "It is one of the grossest human rights violations because it targeted children and was the tool for perpetrating cultural genocide. To ignore this issue would be to ignore the human rights of indigenous peoples, not only in the U.S., but around the world." ... A 2001 report by the Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada documents the responsibility of the Roman Catholic Church, the United Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the federal government in the deaths of more than 50,000 Native children in the Canadian residential school system.
* Kostka A Catholic boys' college in Canberra allowed Marist Brother Kostka Chute to continue working with boys even after the school learned that he was molesting students, a court has been told (updated 12 May 2008, with new material from the court).
* Barnett An Australian Catholic priest, Charles Alfred Barnett, is facing extradition from Indonesia to South Australia on child-sex charges (posted 27 April 2008)
* Toomey A Christian Brother, Peter John Toomey, molested students in public in their classroom (posted 27 April 2008)
* Goldsmith Former trainee priest Paul Ronald Goldsmith jailed - he held "prayer meetings" for his victims (updated 19 April 2008).
* Dyson The Marist Brothers recycled sex-offender Brother John Desmond Dyson to a new position of trust (updated 19 April 2008)
* McLachlan The Catholic Church had a child-abuser, Father Paul McLachlan, as its spokesman in Queensland (posted 12 April 2008).
* Glennon This is the full story of Father Michael Charles Glennon, one of Australia's most notorious child-abusers (posted 8 April 2008).
* Penn Jones Monsignor Penn Jones received high praise from his archbishop but now (thanks to Broken Rites) the church admits that Jones was an abuser (posted 4 April 2008).
* Van Klooster This priest abused young people in two Australian states - and he had pornography on his computer, filed under 'Parish Business' (updated 4 April 2008, with a footnote containing new information).
* Connolly A Tasmanian priest, Father Paul Anthony Connolly, who was in charge of preparing future priests, pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a child (updated 4 April 2008).
* Brother Norbert The case of Marist Brother Norbert Mathieson demonstrates how church sex-abuse can continue affecting the victims and their families for many decades after the abuse (updated 4 April 2008).
* Ibar Keating The De La Salle religious order knew that "Brother Ibar" (Frank Terence Keating) was abusing boys but it allowed him to continue teaching (updated 22 March 2008).
* De La Salle The De La Salle religious order has apologised to an ex-pupil who complained about Brother Wilfred De Cruz (updated 15 March2008).
* Vincent Kiss This is the full story of Father Vincent Kiss, who admitted that he committed sexual crimes on boys while he was working as the Director of Youth for his diocese. (updated 15 March 2008).
* Murrin A Marist Brother sexually abused boys in a Catholic primary school and one boy ended up as a drug addict, dying through an overdose when he was 22, the Sydney District Court was told (updated 15March 2008).
* Monk Research by Broken Rites has revealed how one of Australia's most influential Catholic leaders - Bishop James Patrick O'Collins-transferred a sexually-abusive priest (Father Leonard Monk) to another diocese (posted 15 March 2008).
* Morey Father Sydney Morey was a sexually-abusive priest who flourished in the Ballarat diocese in western Victoria (posted 15 March2008).
* O'Donnell How the church covered up for Father Kevin O'Donnell -until Broken Rites helped the victims. One victim died tragically in January 2008 (updated 1 March 2008).
* Bellemore Victms of Father Roger Michael Bellemore succeed in publicly revealing this priest's crimes, despite an attempt by church lawyers to stop them. This case demonstrates how church victims can triumph over a powerful institution through determination and persistence (updated 1 March 2008).
* McAlinden Broken Rites helped to expose an abusive priest, Fr Denis McAlinden, who was allowed to transfer from New South Wales to Western Australia (posted 9 February 2008)
* Christian Brothers This article, written for the Broken Rites website by a victim of the Christian Brothers, gives a victim's view of Catholic Church sex-abuse in Australia. (posted 9 February 2008)
* Daly The Sydney Catholic hierarchy allowed a troublesome priest to roam free - and one victim later committed suicide (posted 9 February 2008)
* Murray Monsignor James Murray pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a vulnerable woman but the church re-instated him (posted 9February 2008)
* Goldsmith Former trainee priest jailed - he held "prayer meetings" for his victims (updated 9 February 2008)
John A Brown
-- _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+
Seeking Justice for victims of sexual and clergy abuse
"We do not oppose legitimate clergy."
"We oppose those whose actions enable the continuation of and
or the covering up of clergy, sexual and spiritual abuse."
"We oppose processes which cause further harm to victims."
see also: