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The Evidence

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The Evidence - Oral submission | The Evidence 1 | The Evidence 2 | The Evidence 3 | QLD Police | QLD Health


1 2 3 
Evidence of ... as per statement.
There is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements. 
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.

Evidence.  This is taken in front of No5 Hampshire street. Whilst it is evidence of a vehicle having been driven on the grass, this has no relationship or bearing on the incident and should be discounted.\r\n
There is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.   
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.

There is evidence here of multiple tyre tracks. None of which can be shown to be related with the kerbing mark. The trajectory of all visible tyre marks do not relate to the kerbing mark.
There is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.   
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.
4 5 6 
Apparently evidence of skid mark produced when the vehicle moved over the curbing. An initial inspection will show that this mark is somewhat aged. The mark does not align with the trajectory predicted by the tyre marks in the photo above the mark. (see 9)  The marking is predominantly on the upright region of the curb. A tyre skidding and coming from the direction of the grass is not able to leave a mark in this position only - it would also have marked the top of the curb as well as the road surface as the tyre came into contact with that. There is no evidence of any such markings to either the top of the kerbing or to the road surface after leaving the kerbing. There is no evidence here to suggest that this mark constitutes evidence in regards this matter.\r\n
There is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.  
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.

It was from here that the vehicle "quote" - suddenly veered left and lurched at speed towards the fence.
\r\nThere is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.  
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently false and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.
Nice street view.
This image does have a great deal of evidence in it. Evidence that it was clear and sunny day at the time the photographs were taken. It is possible evidence that the attending police officer taking photographs may have arrived in a light coloured station wagon although this is not patently evident through simply viewing the image.
\r\nThere is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.   

7 8 9 
There is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.   
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.\r\n
There is no evidence of surface disturbance of the loose gravel driveway one would expect if the statement in regards a headlong rush towards the fence were true. There is no evidence of a vehicle suddenly braking and coming to an abrupt halt as a means of avoiding crashing through the front fence.
There is no evidence of these sworn events in this image. The evidence described in the sworn statements is simply not available through this image.

There is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements. \r\n
This could equally be described as the mark (singular) of a tyre slipping and describing an almost perfect arc as it does so. The skidding may well have been due to the frosted and grassy surface. The vehicle would have found resistance due to the fact that the grass surface rose slightly and the fact that the wheels were turned slightly would also have increased vehicle resistance. As is the case in a vehicle fitted with a differential the resistance found by the faster rotating tyre (in this instance the right wheel) would have been transferred to the non slipping wheel (the left) thus driving the vehicle forward. This is the more evidential facts described in this image. The arc described by the photograph is evidence that the vehicle was in fact under control at all times else there would be evidence of fishtailing and surface disturbance (of which there is none). The exposed steel belting described in the vehicle report has evidently not come into contact with the ground surface else that would have logically caused greater surface disturbance. There was no evidence of such a degree of exposure of the steel belt when tyres were recently replaced.
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.

This photograph when related to the kerb photos (4) and (2) shows the trajectory line to be such that the angle at which it meets the curb discounts these tyres marks being related to the curb mark and thus the vehicle which made them from the possibility of it having made the kerbing mark.
\r\nThere is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.  
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.
There is no evidence of driving in the manner described in the sworn statements.   
\r\nThis is in fact evidence that the sworn statements are patently inaccurate and that they are simply a series of  overly emotive statements which are presumed to lead to evidence. Evidence which is clearly not here.
11 12 13 



missing images - requested from legal representatives
A request to legal representatives will be made for copies of these together with the question - Does this consist of "all" the evidence available?
Are there other images, documents or electronic forms of evidence which has not been provided to me?



Original documents received with original notes
Issue 1. 
The sworn statements describe 3 police officers traveling in a single vehicle which when that vehicle turns at the intersection of Hampshire street and Jellicoe street, two of the police officers went left and one went right.
Could this be the "poetic license" spoken of by legal representative.
If in fact these sworn statements are accepted as truth then it is entirely probable that a swathe of natural and physical laws have been broken and the incident should be reported to the Catholic Church for investigation as a miracle as they are the only body I am aware of who investigates such phenomena.


11 12 13 

"was in danger of being sexually assaulted" - this is not the same as actually being sexually assaulted as appears in statement by ........ ##
"mounting the gutter" -- how does one mount the gutter in a driveway?
"braked hard skidding" - no photographic evidence of skidding can be found
"causing the rear wheels of the vehicle to spin on the wet grass". - There is no evidence of both wheels spinning - there is no evidence of fishtail left and right .
States the vehicle he was following turned left into Jellico street (the driver states he went right - see ##) 
\r\n"west along Jellico street a short distance before turning right Hume to North street".
Is it not a fact that if a vehicle traveling north on Hampshire street turns left the next street encountered is Ruthven street  and not Hume street?
"left into Koombarra" - coming from Ruthven street this would be correct - how do you account for the fact that the driver of the vehicle went in a completely different direction?
"mounted the gutter" - at which point in the photograph did the vehicle mount the gutter?
11 12 13 

21 "skid marks on the footpath" - indicate where these skid marks are
23 - "wild accusations" - what form did these accusations take?
4. Lewis Strohfeldt informed you that "... was being sexually abused by his ex mother in law ... " this did not come from Mr. Brown so it can only be assumed that this came from SS Strohfeldt or another Police Officer.
11 12 13 
"believed his son was being abused by his ex mother-in-law"
"a short distance" - what distance in metres?
"mounting the gutter"
"braked hard, skidding the vehicle on the wet grass"

\r\n14 Refused - (how)
"accelerated heavily, causing the rear wheels of the vehicle to spin  on the wet grass and the rear of the vehicle to fishtail left and right"
"he has turned left into Jellico street"
"driven west along Jellicoe"  (towards Ruthven street) .. "turning right into Hume"
"has again mounted 

11 12 13 







Individual sworn statement Officer 1
Identify anomolies in the sworn statement.
Compare to - describe anomolies in relation to this statement
Individual sworn statement Officer 2\r\n
Identify anomolies in the sworn statement.
Compare to - describe anomolies in relation to this statement
Individual sworn statement Officer 3\r\n
Identify anomolies in the sworn statement.
Compare to - describe anomolies in relation to this statement



Report from treating specialist counselor (4+ years) (Coll)
Report from specialist Trauma Psychologist (Poz)
Report from third party Psychiatrist (Kaz)
Employer character reference (ICR)
Friend Character reference AoS
Advocate 1 reference - MM
Advocate 2 reference (HL)
Reference 3 TWGS (Head)
Meeting and communications with legal representatives. 
Court appearances - refer to another page
Communications with: Prime Minister, each Premier and Attorney General and head of State all Australian States plus NT and ACT.
Refer to another page due to the qty.
Personal meetings with QLD Attorney General plus documentation
Other sources of corroborating evidence - refer to another page due to qty
Research references: keep to minimum 25 per cell
Research references: keep to minimum 25 per cell 
Associated evidence references: keep to minimum 25 per cell 
Supporting documentation: qty not yet known - currently being compiled

to be listed and described:
Material found in motor vehicle (rear seat)
Material found in glove box
Material missing from glove box (provide copy)
Prior history of communication with QLD Police officers, its relationship to meetings and material supplied to the Attorney General prior to the events of this day.
Same in regards 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 27, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 102, 147 - document distributed web documents and pages - download copies to single server
Other yet to be researched and documented for publication in regards the use of QLD Health Mental Health Unit by Toowoomba police in similar circumstances.
Evidence from report produced for the Premier.
\r\nIndependent analysis of the actions of police in filing an inaccurate report - a psychological perspective.
The breakdown of trust in Policing - Robert Peel
The ability of QLD Police to weave their way through evidence of threats of sexual abuse, clergy abuse, reports of sexual abuse, threats and intimidation, physical assaults (compile full list) and find several traffic offences and to state that one or more of other aspects have been fully investigated.
Other evidence indicting inaccuracies and improbabilities in the sworn statements provided.
Bring the QLD Police Force into dis-repute. 
Failure to uphold the role of a sworn Police Officer in the State of QLD. 
Providing a false sworn statement.
Providing false evidence to the court.
Failure to follow mandated procedures.
Filing an inaccurate report.
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Evidence - Oral submission | The Evidence 1 | The Evidence 2 | The Evidence 3 | QLD Police | QLD Health\r\n\r\n

The Evidence

It has been an honor and a privilege to provide more than 20 years of availability to those who seek further information on the reality of the global clergy abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic and other religions.

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A lack of denial is a terrifying thing to encounter by those still immersed in hiding from their own failings.

  trauma informed    human rights    justice    failed institutions    UN Convention on Human Rights    Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia    future    evidence    resilience    not providing or representing a secular Australia    autodidact  

Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.


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Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

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