Melbourne Archdiocese emails requesting information
Page Category: JohnB
Thankyou for your time on the phone this morning.
I am not sure if I am about to email the right person as my complaint is
broader it seems than just the Independent Commission into Sexual Abuse.
I have attempted to obtain answers from the Commission, however promised
responses and answers are not forthcoming.
As I am unable to obtain basic information from the Commission and
Carelink and my understanding that these bodies may well be in breach of
a number of statutes including malpractice and that I have drawn this
and other matters to the attention of the commission and have failed to
receive responses to these matters.
Can you advise to whom I should address these concerns.
John Brown
Dear Mr Brown,
If you have a complaint to make concerning the Independent
Commissioner or Carelink you should mail a letter to Archbishop Hart. P O
Box 146, East Melbourne 8002, setting out the specifics of your complaint,
indicating your own name and address and the matters in which you have had
dealings with the Independent Commissioner, the Archbishop will then be
able to review the matter appropriately.
With best wishes,
Jill Butler
Vicar General's Office
Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
PO Box 146
Phone: (03) 9926 5638 / Fax: (03) 9926.5698
Thank you Jill for your email.
Upon reading your mail I found it necessary to ask if there is an
independent body or a higher authority to whom I could be directed.
John Brown
Dear Mr Brown,
There is no higher authority to which you could be directed.
Jill Butler
Vicar General's Office
Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
PO Box 146
Phone: (03) 9926 5638 / Fax: (03) 9926.5698
Thank you Jill for your response.
I was taken aback by that response and was not sure if this was done in
jest or if it was some mistake.
Putting that aside I feel that perhaps I should apprise you of my
situation a little and then ask my question again.
I am a victim of clergy abuse, I have been dealing with the Independent
Commission into Sexual Abuse and Carelink; as mentioned I have asked for
basic information and policy statements in regards the processes carried
out by these entities together with requests for policies and other
information in regards the Compensation Panel. To this date I have not
received this information and this has made me question greatly the
actions of the Independent Commission and the performance of Carelink
and others.
Does the Archdiocese have any stated policies in regards the dealings
the Archdiocese has or oversees in regards the entities mentioned above
and in regards providing assistance to victims of clergy, spiritual and
sexual abuse. Where can I obtain copies of these statements or policies?
Is there an independent body or a higher authority to whom I could be
directed? or what other course of action would you recommend?
John Brown
Good morning Mr Brown,
Since receiving this last email I have asked for direction and been
told to advise you that if there is a complaint you should write to the
Archbishop. There is no point in endless correspondence.
Jill Butler
Vicar General's Office
Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
PO Box 146
Phone: (03) 9926 5638 / Fax: (03) 9926.5698
Thankyou for the advice - I shall take that matter up in due course. I
am unsure of what you mean by "There is no point in endless
In the meantime does the Archdiocese have any stated policies in regards
the dealings the Archdiocese has or oversees via the Independent
Commission into Sexual Abuse, Carelink and The Compensation Panel in
regards providing assistance to victims of clergy, spiritual and sexual
abuse. Where can I obtain copies of these statements or policies?
John Brown
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