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Page Category: JohnB

Underlying principal and statement.
"The "Position Statements" would be submitted and follow these principles
 For amendments or updates:
The initial position to stay and the new position statement to be placed
above the initial position statement, this is to be accompanied by an
explanation as to why a certain aspect or position has been changed -
this explanation will remain on the page and be superseded in position
by any subsequent changes or repositioning based on the original and
subsequent Position Statements".

That is followed by a Your Questions - My Answers & a My questions -
Your Answers.

Contributions from others may be linked to an individual page for each
who chooses to make a comment or to add information.

Beyond that as an open and hopefully and desirably an equal and balanced
forum, anything I may say beyond that I believe I should cover in my
"Position Statements" unless you feel it is of importance with the
integrity of the method I propose.

I believe that this is a fair and reasonable proposition to make,
however I am not able to see that from your perspective so I am open to
any suggestions you may have which would improve the impartiality of
what I propose."
The page is not fully setup though I believe it shows the principal enough to get this into place. 
[%expandbox:Exp:Position Statement%]
<Iframe to Position Statement> 
[%expandbox:Exp:Position Statement%]
<Iframe to Position Statement> 
22/11/2006 9:39 PM
Subject: re: Charges of sexual abuse questioned 
re: communication from Peter O'Callaghan,

Would it be too much to provide your evidence to me?

Naturally you would be qualified in this area to make such a judgement?

You may be required to provide supporting evidence for your claims suchas your ability to "make a clear judgement as to his 'stability' ofmind".

By the way, have you spoken with Monica recently?

The limited reading you have done of the site and your comment doesshow a lack of uptake and understanding of the content and of the goalsof the site.

Perhaps a listening to Listen to what I want or A plaque for George Pellmay give you some indications as it seemed you missed those pages.

You failed to understand the workings - your "confidentiality" wasbreached within a few hours of your emailing Brian Lucas and again theyshowed no concern for your privacy and contact details by forwardingthem on to me - this is I believe is a breach by the "IndependentCommissioner" - something you may wish to take with them up in time.

Your reactive email will undoubtedly cause a great deal of anguish anddistress to other members of the family as they will most likely bedrawn into something they may not wish to be involved in - littleconcern from you for them Bob - as it impacts on each of then I shallrefer them to another TFYQA page you obviously missed - still you willhave had your pound of flesh - the only question is "who's flesh youwill actually get and how many of your brothers and sisters are youprepared to inflict this on in order to achieve that and yes that poundof flesh wont all come from me - each one of your siblings willcontribute to that pound of flesh.

If you wish to refute any of my claims you are more than welcome tomail me with those and I will do my best to answer them.


John,welcome your email. Firstly as to your breach of privacy concernit isof no problem of mine whatsoever however I will register yourconcernwith them.

Let me start this very short email exchange togive you my reasons. It is in some small degree possible that you mayhavesuffered sexually from the clergy. I am not blind or stupid enoughtoknow it did and still does happen however I find 95% of content onyour site regardingyou as a complete fabrication and to be honest thisis what has pissed my off.

re: communication from Peter O'Callaghan,

Would it be too much to provide your evidence to me?My evidence is that I lived in the same house with the same brothers &sisters, mother & father as you did.
[%expandbox:Exp:Question 1: My question here %]
[%expandbox:Expa:Answer to Q 1: %]
Your answer here. 
My evidence is that I lived in the same house with the same brothers &sisters, mother &
[%expandbox:Exp:Would it be too much to provide your evidence to me? %]
[%expandbox:Expa:Answer to Q 1: %]
My answer here. 

John, welcome your email. Firstly as to your breach of privacy concernit is of no problem of mine whatsoever however I will register your concernwith them.

Let me start this very short email exchange togive you my reasons. It is in some small degree possible that you mayhave suffered sexually from the clergy. I am not blind or stupid enough toknow it did and still does happen however I find 95% of content on your site regardingyou as a complete fabrication and to be honest this is what has pissed my off.

re: communication from Peter O'Callaghan,

Would it be too much to provide your evidence to me?My evidence is that I lived in the same house with the same brothers &sisters, mother & father as you did.
[%expandbox:Exp:Question 1: Would it be too much to provide your evidence to me? %]
[%expandbox:Expa:Answer to Q 1: %]
My evidence is that I lived in the same house with the same brothers &sisters, mother & father as you did.
[%expandbox:Exp:Question 1: Would it be too much to provide your evidence to me? %]
[%expandbox:Expa:Answer to Q 1: %]
My evidence is that I lived in the same house with the same brothers &sisters, mother & father as you did.

John & Bob - Forum

It has been an honor and a privilege to provide more than 20 years of availability to those who seek further information on the reality of the global clergy abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic and other religions.

Contact me if you need assistance in locating specific pages or if you or someone you know sees the importance of keeping these pages active by assisting in keeping the full access to the sites information available to the general public.


If you found this information to be of assistance please don't forget to donate so that we can extend these information pages which are focused on providing knowledge and information to survivor/victims on their Human Rights with justice, compassion and empathy at the fore along with sound knowledge of Human Biology and Psychology, Human Evolution and Neuroscience. Information is not provided as legal or professional advice; it is provided as general information only and requires that you validate any information via your own legal or other professional service providers.


Check out tfyqa.biz history here

Look for these other respected FAQyMe Gene-affiliated, secular social-inclusion sites

Clergy Abuse Action - repurposed || Molested Catholics by the Million || Captain Obvious - My Broken Society || A first in Secular Australia for Children - It's not Rocket Science || The Blue Print - It's OH so Obvious - repurposed || The GCAC - The Global Clergy Abuse Crisis - repurposed || TFYQA Think for Yourself, Question Authority || XT3 Molested Catholic courtesy of George Pell and babbling Benny || Defending the Human Rights of Catholic Adults and Children Trauma in Religion || OFFLINE The FAQyMe Gene - The FAQ Why Me Gene blog

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Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

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A lack of denial is a terrifying thing to encounter by those still immersed in hiding from their own failings.

  trauma informed    human rights    justice    failed institutions    UN Convention on Human Rights    Rights of the Child and a Bill of Rights for Australia    future    evidence    resilience    not providing or representing a secular Australia    autodidact  

Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.


Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

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You can directly support my work at PayPal John A Brown. Read more about John Brown here

Divider - dont forget to donate so we can keep on with education to protect children - hope you benefitted from reading this

Were you like so many others born into a constitutionally protected God based death and rape culture?

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