Utah's new Catholic bishop: 'Gifted, zealous' pastor
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Utah's new Catholic bishop: 'Gifted, zealous' pastor
Former bishop Niederauer praises successor who is known as a good listener
Article Last Updated: 01/09/2007 10:54:11 AM MST
The Rev. John C. Wester maybe distracted when he takes his seat as the ninth bishop of theCatholic Diocese of Salt Lake City on March 14.
Though the San Francisco born-and- bred
Wester had been to Utah only a couple of times before Monday,he said he is dazzled by the region's beauty. And the new spiritualleader to Utah's 200,000 Catholics loves to hike.
"It will be tough to stop looking at the mountains and keepthe focus on my work," Wester said at a news conference to announce hisappointment to fill the vacancy left when Utah's former bishop, theRev. George H. Niederauer, became the Archbishop of San Francisco lastFebruary.
Utah's distractions may be a relief to the 56-year-old Wester,who was the point man on the clergy sexual abuse for the Archdiocese ofSan Francisco, which had about 175 lawsuits filed against it since2002. Salt Lake City has had only one.
"He spent hours and hours of time with victims . . .he's anexcellent listener," said Monsignor Harry Schlitt, another SanFrancisco priest who has known Wester since 1976.
Wester also had the "unhappy job" of breaking the news toaccused priests, many of whom were much older than he, saying, "takeyour collars off. You're finished."
Fulfilling such assignments takes "great courage," which Wester has in abundance, Schlitt said.
Bdealing with abuse was onlyone of Wester's myriad duties since being named an auxiliary bishop ofSan Francisco in 1998. He also served on the Catholic bishopscommission to study immigration issues. In that role, he took afact-finding trip to Asia in 2004 to study the plight of people whohave been driven from their homelands by hunger, war and repression,which he later noted as "a moving spiritual experience," according to abiographical note of the St. Vincent De Paul Society of San Francisco.
When asked Monday about his views on immigration, Westerreplied: "All of us are children of God. We have to be open to peoplewho come to our shores. We have to welcome the strangers in our midst.We benefit from immigrants. It is important to have sound immigrationpolicies . . . It is important to keep families united."
Wester also has worked in Catholic high schools in Kentfieldand San Rafael, Calif., was assistant superintendent of high schoolsfor the archdiocese, and is currently on the board of trustees for St.Patrick Seminary and University in Menlo Park.
He has spent time reaching out to younger people by going tolocal bars with "Theology on Tap" discussions, a national program inthe Catholic Church to discuss points of belief.
Upon becoming a bishop, Wester took up the study of Spanish,no mean feat for a man in his 50s, but urgently important in a churchserving Latino members. He still has found time to visit his mother,brother and two sisters, all of whom live in the Bay Area. He playsbridge and racquetball, goes to the opera and enjoys classical music.
And he never forgets a name, Schlitt said.
Ten days ago, Wester officiated at a funeral in St. Mary'sCathedral for a police officer shot in the line of duty. His sermon wasmasterful and compassionate, but he also knew the names of all thechildren, grandchildren, nephews and nieces.
"That's one of his great strengths," Schlitt said. "When heshakes your hand, you'll know it. He looks you in the eyes and you knowhe's present, not looking for the next guy in the crowd."
Learning everyone's name will be much easier in Utah'sdiocese, which has fewer than half as many members as the San Franciscodiocese.
"We congratulate all Utah Catholics on receiving such agifted, generous and zealous pastor and shepherd," Niederauer said in astatement. "The Catholic Church in San Francisco will certainly missBishop Wester and his fruitful ministry here."
On Monday, Wester seemed ready, even eager, for the uniquechallenges of Utah. After he is formally installed at a special March14 Mass at the Cathedral of the Madeleine, he will concentrate onseveral priorities, including good preaching, working closely with thepriests, increasing vocations and working with ethnic minorities,particularly Latinos. He delivered some of his remarks in Spanish.
He hopes to continue Niederauer's efforts at "promotingbeautiful liturgies, sound faith education programs, loving andcompassionate service to the poor, prudent stewardship of ourresources, and parishes that flourish throughout the diocese."
Wester also plans to continue his predecessor's ecumenicalactivities, reaching out to other religious leaders, including those inThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He will definitely miss San Francisco, his family's home forfour generations, he said, "but the warm welcome I've received heretells me God's already at work on this point. . .You and I arebeginning an exciting journey of faith together."
* PEGGY FLETCHER STACK can be contacted at pstack@sltrib.com or 801-257-8725.
Rev. John C. Wester
Age: 56
* Birthplace: San Francisco.
* Ordained to the priesthood: May 15, 1976.
* Ordained as auxiliary bishop of Archdiocese of San Francisco: Sept. 18, 1998.
* Education: Bachelor of arts, Saint PatrickCollege, Mountain View, Calif.; master of divinity, Saint PatrickSeminary, Menlo Park, Calif.; master of art and science, University ofSan Francisco; master of art, Holy Names College, Oakland, Calif.
* Ministry: Vicar for clergy, 1997 to present; also has served as a parish priest, campus ministry director and teacher.
* Administration: Archdiocese of San Franciscoapostolic administrator, August 2005 to February 2006; auxiliarybishop, 1998 to present; administrative assistant to Archbishop John R.Quinn, 1988-1993; assistant superintendent for high schools, 1985-1988.
* National responsibilities: St. PatrickSeminary board of trustees; Roman Catholic Welfare Corp. board;Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership board; Episcopal AdvisoryCouncil Region XI representative.
Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City
* 200,000 Utah Catholics
* 73 parishes, missions and stations
* 69 priests
* 3 high schools
* 11 elementary schools
* 5,615 students
Former Utah Catholic leaders
* George Niederauer, 1994-2006
* William Weigand, 1980-1994
* Joseph Federal, 1960-1980; auxiliary bishop, 1951-1959
* Leo Steck, auxiliary bishop, 1948-1950
* Duane Hunt, 1937-1960
* James Kearney, 1932-1937
* John Mitty, 1926-1932
* Joseph Glass, 1915-1926
* Lawrence Scanlan, 1891-1915
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