Cardinal’s message on 5th anniversary of abuse crisis
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Cardinal’s message on 5th anniversary of abuse crisis
The feast of the Epiphany makes fully manifestthe joy of the Christmas season. With the Magi and the shepherds, weworship and adore the Christ Child -- the manifestation of God’s lovefor all humanity. Five years ago, as we marked the feast on Jan. 6,2002, the devastating revelations that Catholic clergy had sexuallyabused children shook the Archdiocese of Boston and the wider community.
The contrast between the feast, which celebrates the light ofChrist, and the dark and unremitting truth of clergy sexual abuseseemed, at first, impossible to accept.
Butthe truth of the abuse had to be confronted. These crimes againstchildren were all the more heinous because they were committed by menwho vowed themselves to emulate Christ, and were further enabled by thefailure of the Church leadership to respond appropriately.
Godcame into the world in the person of Jesus Christ to lift us out of thedarkness of sin. Only with the truth of clergy sexual abuse exposedcould we again seek to walk fully in His light.
The Catholiccommunity has worked diligently in recent years to put in placeprograms and policies to ensure the safety of children. We must, andwill, continue our vigilance and improve on these efforts. Nothing lessis acceptable. Our responsibility to children and families isparamount. It is our hope and prayer that such protections will be inplace in all settings in society where children depend upon the care ofadults.
On my own behalf and on behalf of the good and faithfulmen, women, clergy, and religious of our archdiocese, I again expressmy most heartfelt apology to all the children and young people, mostnow adults, who were abused by priests or other representatives of theChurch. Your wounded hearts and shattered spirits have a special claimon the Church, the body of Christ. We will forever be sorry for theharm you have suffered and humbly ask your forgiveness.
I alsowant to say a special word to the families of those who have beensexually abused. You trusted and loved your priests unconditionally.Tragically, that trust was betrayed. Many of you have extended to methe privilege of meeting with you over these past years. I have seenyour broken hearts and tear-filled eyes. I have heard you shareagonizing stories about your children, some of whom have even takentheir own lives. You will always remain in my heart and mind. And, Ipray that you will find consolation in the enduring compassion of theLord.
The impact of the clergy sexual abuse scandal has reacheddeep into the lives of parishioners and the faith-filled priests whominister to them. They have borne the shame, grief, and confusion ofthese devastating revelations with heroic faith. For the clergy andparents, in particular, the ability to impart the gift of faith tochildren has been especially challenging. And, for the broadercommunity, the scandal of clergy sexual abuse has given rise to angerand mistrust.
If there were no hope, we would indeed bedespondent. But as we again celebrate the Epiphany, Jesus reminds usthat He will be with us always, even in the most difficult moments. TheChrist Child, in the arms of Mary, beckons us to draw close to thepeace and protection of His holy embrace. In this love the process ofhealing can both begin and be sustained.
During the course ofthe past five years, we have learned much due to the generosity of somany who have committed themselves to the rebuilding of the Church.There is much yet to be done to regain confidence and trust. The feastof the Epiphany reminds us that the Church’s mission is to make God’suniversal love more visible in the manner in which we live out ourfaith. The star of Bethlehem continues to shine brightly. Together,guided by this light, we will find our way.
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