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Opening books enhances trust

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Page Category: 2007 January

OUR VIEW: Opening books enhances trust
CardinalSean P. O'Malley set a wise example for Catholic bishops by releasingthe results of a financial audit of the Boston archdiocese's financialoperations.
Afterthe clergy sex abuse scandal that shook the archdiocese, along withfaithful priests and believers, Cardinal Sean was quick to recognizethat the leadership of the church had to take every opportunity torestore its credibility with its believers by reaching out, opening upthe inner workings of the archdiocese and making top clergy accountableto Catholics.
TheDiocese of Fall River would be wise to follow the cardinal's exampleand similarly make known the results of its own financial audit.
Thisin no way is to suggest that any financial improprieties are occurring,although a recent survey found that nationally, about 85 percent ofdioceses that responded to the survey had reported at least oneinstance of money having been embezzled. On the contrary, the diocesehas taken prudent steps to monitor its financial operations through theDiocesan Financial Council. Further, the diocese does not ask itsmember parishes to hand over any parish donations for theadministration of the diocese. Its money comes through the annualBishop's Appeal, which pays for the diocese's operations and CatholicCharities.
Thatsaid, the diocese has not been immune from financial trouble. Itreached a settlement with a priest who must repay $1.45 million andstill faces criminal charges for allegedly embezzling from twoparishes.
Further,the diocese has spent about $16 million to settle sexual abuse claimsmostly stemming from the highly publicized cases involving the Rev.James Porter.
Atthis point, Bishop George W. Coleman has not released financial auditsof the diocesan books, but we hope he will reconsider and do so. Itwill go a long way toward reassuring not only the Voice of theFaithful, but Catholics in general, that their financial contributionsare being spent well.
Andit will go a long way toward underscoring the credibility of thediocese at a time when some Catholics still remain skeptical about thechurch leadership's vital credibility.



Opening books enhances trust

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A lack of denial is a terrifying thing to encounter by those still immersed in hiding from their own failings.

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Hegemony: The authority, dominance, and influence of one group, nation, or society over another group, nation, or society; typically through cultural, economic, or political means.


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