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Pedophile priest thought confession would erase sins, conference hears

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Pedophile priest thought confession would erase sins, conference hears


Roberta Pennington, CanWest News Service

Published: Thursday, January 18, 2007

WINDSOR, Ont. - Convicted pedophile Rev. Charles Sylvestre blameshis victims, other clergy and a school principal for the abuse hecaused more than 50 young girls, Ontario Crown Paul Bailey saidWednesday.

''What we have here is a man who minimized his own involvement,blamed others, showed no (remorse) whatsoever to the psychologicalcarnage that he caused,'' Bailey said.

''This all just confirms in my mind that we're dealing with not mere moral fault, we're dealing with psychological pathology.''

Bailey told a crowd of about 200 priests, deacons and otherreligious staff gathered at a sexual abuse workshop that he recentlymet with Sylvestre in jail to try ''understand what made him tick.''

Sylvestre was under no obligation to speak to Bailey, but did sononetheless, giving the attorney disturbing insight into the84-year-old's distorted psyche.

''According to him, these eight-year-old girls planned the destruction of their own lives,'' Bailey said.

Sylvestre was sentenced in October to three years in a penitentiaryfor sexually abusing 47 girls between the ages of eight and 15 over aperiod of 30 years in five parishes across southwestern Ontario. Sincehis conviction, 10 more women have come forward alleging his abuse.

In an effort to dispel the myth that pedophiles suffer a ''meremoral failure,'' Bailey presented excerpts from his conversation withSylvestre that shows the disgraced priest's mental illness, or''distinct psychological pathology.''

When speaking to Bailey of the young girls he molested, Sylvestretalked as though the children conspired to have him abuse them.

''These girls that came over there every day, they planned it,''Sylvestre told Bailey. ''I could hear them talking and they'd come inand sit on a chair and their skirt would be up to their crotch ?Well,it was kind of attracting.''

Sylvestre said he knew what he was doing ''was a sin,'' but thought that his actions would be forgiven through confession.

As part of workshop, the clergy representing 69 parishes also heardemotional presentations from two of Sylvestre's victims. A psychologistalso spoke about pedophiles and the damage their abuse can cause achild.

The workshop is one of two being held by the Diocese of London as ameans of educating the staff and raising awareness of sexual abuse inthe church in order to help prevent it in the future, said diocesespokesman Ron Pickersgill.


Pedophile priest thought confession would erase sins, conference hears

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