Convicted pedophile priest Charles Sylvestre died Monday at a prison hospital, just months into his three-year sentence for abu
Page Category: 2007 January
Convicted pedophile priest Charles Sylvestre died Monday at a prisonhospital, just months into his three-year sentence for abusing 47 girls.
Sylvestre - who abused children for nearly four decades under thenoses of parents, teachers and officials within the Roman CatholicChurch - spent the last three days of his life under guard at KingstonPenitentiary's prison hospital in Kingston, Ont.
The 84-year-old died late Monday after being questioned earlier inthe day by several lawyers involved in the dozens of lawsuits filed byhis victims.
Carol Ann Mieras, one of his victims, was there with her lawyer. Shesaid she regrets she won't have the chance to hear Sylvestre tell aboutothers, including teachers and church authorities, who knew he wasabusing children and did nothing.
"What saddens me most is a lot of answers have died with him," shesaid. "We'll likely never know for sure, now. I was at the prison and Ianticipated he wouldn't live through the day. He didn't look well atall. ... He coughed at one point and had that rattle in his chest likethe Grim Reaper is standing on top of you. I think it's a shame hedidn't have to serve more time."
Sylvestre's sentence began Oct. 6 after he was taken from a Chatham,Ont., courtroom in handcuffs to the cheers of victims and theirfamilies.
Diane Russon, spokeswoman for Correctional Service Canada, saidSylvestre was sent to Kingston's Millhaven Penitentiary for thecustomary 100-day assessment.
He was taken from Millhaven to Kingston Penitentiary's hospital. Hedied of natural causes, she said, but protocol requires a coroner'sinquest be held.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of London faces 41 lawsuits from victims.Barb Legate, who represents 28 victims, said in a statement that thelawsuits will be amended to name his estate.
"The most significant impact on the action is that the victims willnot have the benefit of Sylvestre's testimony about the many otherpeople who knew about the abuse, but did nothing to protect his youngvictims," she said.
"Evidence is mounting that a large number of institutions,religious, educational and protective, were aware of his proclivitiesbefore children were hurt."
Victim Lou Ann Soontiens said she had a "love-hate relationship"with Sylvestre, the only person who paid her any attention as a child.Soontiens also said she's lost the chance for final closure.
"I didn't want him to die," she said. "I wanted him to look at meand tell my why he did that to me. I never got to speak to him aboutwhy he abused me for seven years, why he hurt me like he did."
The London diocese posted a brief statement on its website.
"We continue to feel grief and shock at the revelations of hisactions, and we say again that we deplore all instances of sexual abuseand sexual impropriety, especially by clergy or anyone in the Church'semploy, towards minors," the statement said.
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